You can view and manage your clients by clicking on the Clients tab.
You can use the search bar at the top of the screen to list and sort your clients based on a few key metrics:
Name: Alphabetically sorting simply lists your clients in from A-Z.
Due date: Sort clients by the date their next workout is due. This helps you see which clients will need new workouts the soonest. The due date for a client is automatically based on the date of their furthest planned workout. This should help you focus on clients who need your attention first. (read more on due dates here)
Compliance Rate: refers to the percentage of exercises completed vs. the number of exercises programmed for the past 7, 30, and 90 days. This easily helps you identify clients who may need a little extra attention or motivation. (read more on compliance rates here)
Client Type: Allows you to filter your clients by their type: Remote, Dual, or In-Person. (read more on client types here)
Groups: Organize your clients into groups for quick messaging, program assignment, and segmenting your dashboard feed (read more on compliance rates here)
To learn more about the client or access their program, simply click the client's name.
You can also click the icons next to their name to quickly access the following items:
Chat: quickly send a private message to your client.
Edit: make changes to your client's personal information.
Transfer Client: move your client to another coach on your Team Account.ย
Archiving Clients
If you are no longer working with a client, or you're simply taking a break, you can change the status of the client from Active to Archived. Archive clients do not count toward your plan limit and TrueCoach will retain the data if you want to re-activate them later. Read more on archived clients here.