Only available for US, UK, Australia, and Canada-based coaches.
Currently, you cannot split up a single payment for a client; however, you can create two Subscriptions for one client, each for half the price.
Here's an example of how we can set that up:
My client Tony wants to subscribe to my Monthly Individual Coaching plan and pay $200 per month. While most clients pay the full $200 on the 1st, Tony would like to pay $100 on the 1st and $100 on the 15th. As Tony's coach, here is how to set up that payment plan for him:
Create a Pricing Plan "1/2 Monthly Individual Coaching - A" for $100
Create a Pricing Plan "1/2 Monthly Individual Coaching - B" for $100
Subscribe Tony to "1/2 Monthly Individual Coaching - A" for $100 and set the billing date to 1st of the month
Subscribe Tony to "1/2 Monthly Individual Coaching - B" for $100 and set the billing date to 15th of the month
You cannot subscribe one client to the same Pricing Plan twice, so two Pricing Plans need to be created.
In the example, this means that Tony will pay $100 on the 1st of each month and $100 on the 15th of each month until the Subscription is canceled.