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Program Tagging

Everything you need to know about the program tagging feature

Brian avatar
Written by Brian
Updated over a week ago

Looking for a way to organize and quickly find all of those awesome programs you have created? The program tagging feature is the tool you've been searching for.

In this article we will cover:

How to create a new program tag?

To create a program tag, click Programs > Manage Tags > Add New Tag.

From there, create a name for the tag and it will then be ready to be added to a program.

How to add/remove a program tag?

Once you have created a tag, you can add the tag to a program by clicking the + button underneath the program.

Have multiple tags you want to use on a specific program? No worries! You can add more than one tag to the program.

To remove a tag from a program, click the X to the right of the tag name.

How to edit or delete an existing tag?

Want to change the name of a tag? Select Manage Tags > Edit Tag > Click on the tag name to make your change.

To delete the tag from TrueCoach, click the trashcan icon to the right of the tag name.

How to filter by a tag?

If you are looking to filter your programs page by a specific tag you created, you can click Filters.

This will then provide you a dropdown of your tags which you can then select to filter the page by that tag.

If you are on a filtered view, you will see an icon populate on the filters button:

You can only filter by multiple tags and TrueCoach will return results for programs that have any of the applied tags you are filtering for.

Any questions? Reach out to our Support Team at [email protected]!

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