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The Workout Builder Basics

Basic navigation and common tasks within the workout builder

Audrey Arthaud avatar
Written by Audrey Arthaud
Updated over a week ago

TrueCoach's workout builder and calendar are built on the core concepts of speed, efficiency, and ease of use. Powerful enough to make your life easier, but not too overwhelming and time-consuming it completely defeats the purpose.

To start creating a workout for a client, click on a client's name from anywhere in TrueCoach. 

By default, you'll be taken to the month's calendar view which will show an overview of your client's workouts.

To create your first workout, hover over the desired day and click the Add Workout icon. 

To access the expanded workout builder, click the expand icon in the top right corner of the workout. 

Naming the Workout

To add an optional title for the workout, click on the title field at the top of the workout. The workout's title will be visible to the client. 

Adding a Warmup

Next, you can add a warmup. The warmup section is an open text field and will display to your client exactly how it's entered here. You can include as many demo videos as you'd like using the Link Demo Video field. 

Adding Exercises

Next, we'll start adding exercises to the workout. When you begin typing your exercise name, you'll see a list of options to choose from.

By default, Central Athlete's library of 1,200+ movements is included in your TrueCoach account. USA Weightlifting movements are also now included in your TrueCoach account.

Exercises _ Library _ TrueCoach - Google Chrome 2022-09-15 at 11.18.35 AM

To select an exercise, you can either finish typing the name, click on an option, or use the arrow + tab/enter keys to select an exercise.

To preview the video included click on the camera icon. 

Next, you can add the number of sets, reps, tempo, rest, etc. The exercise description is an open text field and will display to your client exactly how it's entered here.

When you've finished adding your first exercise you can click to add another exercise or a circuit. 

Creating a Superset

To combine multiple exercises in a superset you can click the link icon between two movements. You can link as many movements as you'd like.

Exercises vs. Circuits

An Exercise is a single movement measured by sets, reps, tempo, rest, etc. 

A Circuit is a series of exercises grouped together in an EMOM, AMRAP, Circuit, etc.

Adding a Circuit

You can add a Circuit by clicking the + Circuit button. The circuit description is an open text field and will display to your client exactly how it's entered here.

Adding a Cooldown

Finally, you can include a cooldown. The cooldown section is an open text field and will display to your client exactly how it's entered here. This field behaves exactly like the warmup.

Saving the Workout

To finish working on your workout, click Save.

After saving your workout, it will be added to the monthly calendar preview. You can come back and make changes to your workouts anytime. 

Making Edits

To make edits to your workout, you can click and edit right in the client's calendar view. To finish making changes, click Save.

Keyboard Shortcuts

If you want to leverage the full power of TrueCoach's workout builder, be sure to check out the keyboard shortcuts we've added for workout creation. You can create an entire workout without taking your hands off of the keyboard.

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